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Book Review: "Difficult Aging in Place Conversations"

Writer's picture: Customized AgingCustomized Aging

Everyone Can Empathize with the Fear of Change The fear of the unknown can stop people of all ages from changing their circumstances, even if it would be for the better. That's why "Difficult Aging in Place Conversations: What Industry Experts Have to Say" is such a valuable book for older adults and families facing the challenging changes that come with aging.

The experts of the National Aging in Place Council walk you through effective strategies and techniques to help you notice and address declines in health, abilities, or that the beloved family home now poses a safety risk to your parents. Conversation starters will guide your loved one to discover that changes in their home are not a sign of weakness, but practical steps to prolong their independence and autonomy.

Planning and preparation are key - start now! One of the book’s most valuable insights is the acknowledgement that even when you approach these topics with empathy, patience, understanding and active listening, you can expect resistance. Let's be real, this is going to take more than one conversation.

You also may need to bring in professionals, like Geriatric Care Managers, Move Managers, Aging in Place Specialists, Universal Design Contractors, Realtors, Estate Attorneys and others, who may cost some money now but will surely save you time, money - and possibly a life - later.

More to 💖 about this book - You not only get the advice, you get the resources and links that lead you to vetted, purpose-driven professionals in your area.

My review of that book is here.

Eve Hill Certified Aging in Place Specialist Co-Founder, Customized Aging Member, National Aging in Place Council

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