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Top Insights from Top Experts: “Helping Senior Citizens in Life Transitions"

Customized Aging

Updated: Oct 17, 2021

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By 2050, 1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age of 65, (up from 1 in 11 in 2019). United Nations

In honor of Senior Citizen’s Day, eXp Seniors Network hosted a free educational event via Zoom with an All-Star Line-Up of Senior Living Experts. The day was packed with information on subjects ranging from Aging-in-Place options, the psychology of downsizing, senior real estate marketing and the keys to success after sixty.


5 Design Concept Categories: Universal, Adaptable, Accessible, Visitable, Livable


Fritzi Gros-Daillon, National Association of Home Builders Master Instructor in Aging-in-Place and Universal Design, understands the housing trends and options of our times, and knows the growth of multigenerational living means there is a need for adaptable, flexible spaces in our homes. We have to consider the characteristics of every generation, she says, “making life easy no matter who is living in the home.”

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Marni Jameson, Award winning author on Downsizing & Decluttering and national lifestyle columnist, grants that “attachment” doesn’t stop with childhood teddy bears and security blankets. It often transfers to the stuff we accumulate throughout our lives. With a bit of sociology, psychology archeology, and a fair amount of levity, Marni Jameson patiently guides her clients into a new frame of mind, helps them “get real” about value, make choices, see the freedom in a light, orderly future, and reminds them to keep their memories in their hearts, not in their “stuff.”

Kelly Wheeler is an eXp Realty Agent and “Marketing Ninja” who teaches high level real estate marketing insights, lead generation tools, and how to zero in and use niche data to reach sellers via direct and email campaigns. While energetically emphasizing the incredible power and relatively low cost of online tools such as “Remine,” Realist,” Facebook Ads, Mailbox Power and Listings2Leads, Wheeler made sure to return again and again, like all of the speakers, to the importance of respect and sincerity when dealing with older adults.

“If you want to attract people," he says, "make them an offer. But it has to be a heartfelt offer that makes dollars and sense to them.”

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Doug Sohn, Creator of the Success After Sixty program, is dedicated to helping people in their sixties become the best versions of themselves. "Just because we are over sixty,” he says, “doesn't mean we're through growing.” Science is on his side. New research in brain plasticity is proving that we can build new brain cells and new connections at any age. But it’s not going to happen automatically. We have to believe it! Sohn’s program helps unshackle people from the lies society tells us about our limitations, and can have a significant impact on our vision of what our lives can be.

The eXp Seniors Network Senior Citizen’s Day Event is not just about how to help seniors live in the home of their choice, but removing the physical and emotional clutter that inhibits them from living the life of their choice.

It’s a MUST WATCH for everyone 55PLUS (and everyone that’s planning to be 😉)



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